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Does the world need one more piece?

In a world already filled with musical masterpieces, is there a need for new music?

I remember reading a comment by a well known popular musican that the world did not need one more album. How distraught I was at the thought that what I loved the most was essentially futile. That it had all been said before and that my efforts added nothing. Depressing.

Since then I have learned two things; 1) popular musicians don't know anything about music so don't listen to them, and 2) there is always a need for new music.

Point - People have an insatiable hunger for new aesthetic experiences.
If you need confirmation that this is true, just look at the constant flow of films and new albums to see that people are always looking for something new. Or look at your own listening habits.

But... there is more than enough music written already to satisfy many lifetimes of hungry listening!
It has been said that the classics are still relevant because they are new for the person who reads them. This is of course true and classics will always be relevant to some degree, but the question regards the need for new music.

The contemporary listener looks for contemporary aesthetics.
Bach is the best composer of all time, but were a composer to write in a Baroque style and idiom he would be laughed at. New music* is always needed that follows or even determines constantly evolving aesthetics.

And that's all there is to it. We need need music because we constantly crave new aesthetic experiences and these need to be in a relevant, contemporary idiom. It's that simple, and Truths are always simple.

* Of course, this implies that the music created is actually new at some level, unlike popular music which constantly rehashes the same material over and over and over. I am referring to contemporary classical music.

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